Steering Committee

Coordinating Committee

Working Group

Observations | Concept | Precincts | Guidelines | Implementation | Plan

Steering Committee

The importance of leadership from the highest levels of the University cannot be overstated. Leading the Campus Master Plan effort are the senior academic and administrative officers of the University. They, together with University Trustee involvement, will steer and shape the plan to best represent the current mission goals and the long range vision for Emory University.

Dr. James W. Wagner President (CHAIR)
Mr. Ben Shapiro Trustee
Dr. Billy E. Frye Chancellor
Mr. Michael Mandl Executive Vice President
Dr. Michael M.E. Johns Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Dr. Rebecca Chopp Interim Provost
Dr. Frances Lucas-Tauchar  Vice President & Dean for Campus Life
Dr. William H. Fox Vice President; Institutional Advancement
Mr. Robert E. Williams Vice President for Business
Dr. Gary S. Hauk Secretary of the University
Dr. Mel Lockhart Vice Provost for Academic & Enrollment Planning
Mr. Ronnie Jowers Assoc. Vice President for Health Affairs
Mr. Robert Hascall Assoc. Vice President for Facilities Management
Ms. Edie Murphree Assoc. Vice President for Administration
Mr. Al Herzog Project Manager, Facilities Management/Campus Planning


Coordinating Committee

Assisting the Steering Committee, as a second tier coordination and action group, is a cross sectional team of academic and administrative representatives. This group is more involved with daily interaction, program development, functionality, and operations of the campus.

Mr. Charles Andrews Asst. Vice President for Health Affairs
Ms. Beverly Cormican  Director of University Projects
Mr. Erick Gaither Executive Director, Community Services
Mr. Robert Hascall Assoc. Vice President for Facilities Management
Dr. Mel Lockhart Vice Provost for Academic & Enrollment Planning
Dr. Rosemary Magee Assoc. Dean, Emory College
Dr. Todd Schill Asst. Dean & Director of Residential Services
Mr. Earle Whittington Project Manager, Facilities Management/Campus Planning
Mr. Robert Williams Vice President for Business (CHAIR)
Ms. Betty Willis Director of Community & Governmental Affairs


Working Group - In addition to members of the Coordinating Committee

Expanding involvement in the Campus Master Plan beyond the academic and administrative management of the University is a primary goal of the process. Formal inclusion of several neighboring residential and commercial interests, along with graduate and undergraduate representatives, allows for periodic review and input from a collective community.

Mr. Jonathan Freimann President, Student Government Association
Mr. Robert Goldman President, Graduate Student Senate
Mr. Stuart Meddin Emory Village Merchants
Mr. Jason Paul Chair, Student Fee Interest Committee
Ms. Cynthia Tauxe Druid Hills Civic Association

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Copyright � 1997 Emory University.
Last updated October, 1999.