Univ. Apts.
West Campus
Res. Triangle
Facilities Mgmt.
Health Sciences
Core Campus

Observations | Concept | Precincts | Guidelines | Implementation | Plan

Overall Project Approach and Process

Emory's Campus Plan must be Emory-Based, growing out of observations and principles which are inherent in the spirit, culture and setting of Emory. These principles are then the foundation of a conceptual plan that, once agreed upon, can be tested through a series of precinct studies ultimately yielding a total comprehensive plan supported by guidelines for buildings and grounds and a process that will ensure effective and sustained implementation.

Precinct Studies

1. University Apts.
2. West Campus
3. Research Triangle
4. Facilities Mgmt.
5. Health Sciences
6. Core Campus

The Precinct Studies begin to examine the precepts of the concept plan at a larger scale and a finer grain of detail. They include issues such as road widths, specific building locations, utility and storm water issues, detailed traffic and parking solutions, and serviceability, etc. Testing the concepts at this level of detail will ensure that the plan is workable, realistic and economically viable.

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Designed by: Jaime Henriquez
Copyright © 1998 Ayers/Saint/Gross.
Last updated October, 1999.