Univ. Apts.
West Campus
Res. Triangle
Facilities Mgmt.
Health Sciences
Core Campus

Observations | Concept | Precincts | Guidelines | Implementation | Plan

Core Campus

The core campus continues the ethic of infill, looking at a series of sites for primarily academic and/or student life housing uses. One site of great potential is between Dobbs Hall and the track. This has been suggested as a possible location for student dining, social sciences and/or housing. The new Science 2000 program is accommodated through a chemistry addition east of Atwood Hall and a new physics/math/computer science building located southwest of Atwood. These buildings are all located so that new quadrangles are created specific to each academic unit. Additionally, a new building is shown for Theology finalizing the framing of a new north-facing quadrangle. This space currently is occupied by surface parking and would become a new social space to connect to the re-designed Pierce Drive. In this area a new pedestrian bridge is shown from the top of the track tying into the new Atwood Chemistry addition to allow for easy access from the Peavine decks to main campus. Behind B. Jones is a new parking deck, which would be partially below grade and covered with a new quadrangle. This quadrangle would be framed by the math/computer science/physics building, and be a new southern addition, which could house uses ranging from a faculty club to expanded space for admissions, financial aid, and central administration. The other significant new additions to the central core of the campus include the new Performing Arts Center and additions to Fishburne deck, and the possible demolition and reconstruction of the Nursing School. Lastly, the plan recommends a complete renovation of the quadrangle, including re-grading to eliminate standing water, new paths, lights, and trees.

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Copyright © 1998 Ayers/Saint/Gross.
Last updated October, 1999.